Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rolled Pants & Braided Hairstyles

Rolled pant hems and braided hairstyles are everywhere...in a good way.

The Sartorialist's blog is filled with rolled pant hems. I personally like the look and it's a great solution for long pants. No more hemming!

I'm also a huge fan of braided hairstyles, they are easy to do and so feminine. Also, using the braid as a headband is a great touch.

My Top 5 Favorite Things This Month

Here is a little list of my favorite things this month:
1. Pluots: When apricots and apples make babies, they make these delicious things. They are also known as dinosaur eggs...how cute is that?! 2. Boyfriend blazers: As I mentioned in my last post, I got one at my clothing swap & I love it. Two thumbs up, my friends! You can wear them with jeans, a dress, skirt or whatever else you dream up.
3. Coconut Ice Cream: This one is a love-hate relationship. I love eating it, but hate when it's gone. A pint doesn't last long in my freezer, so I would recommended stocking up & not sharing.4. Lace-up boots: Oh, I am dying for a pair & these might just be the ticket....
5. Sharpies: A few weeks ago, I accidentally put dish soap in the dishwasher & it only took minutes before soap suds were oozing from the machine. I thought that only happened in the movies (!!!), but apparently not. Thanks to a sharpie & my boyfriend it is unlikely to happen again, he nicely wrote on the top of the liquid detergent, "For dishwasher." Thanks!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Clothing Swap 2009

Why: Every few months, the frustration of not being able to close my drawers or closet hits. Although both are exploding with an array of items, the constant complaint of having nothing to wear it repeated a few times throughout the month, so I decided to do something about it....I hosted a clothing swap at my place. I got rid of things I didn't want and walked away with items I did, like an awesome boyfriend blazer (Thanks Diane!)

How: Invite a few friends, give them a week to go through their closet, get some shopping bags, & appetizers and drinks for hosting. Easy!

Tell invitees to bring stain-free or un-torn clothes, unless that's your sort of thing. & don't forget about shoes, purses, belts & jewelry (also great for swapping).

Now, I can close my drawers with ease and picking out something to wear is fun again. No more riffling through ten shirts to get to the one I've been looking for! My one girlfriend had such a revelation with the swapping, so actually arrived in one outfit, decided she could do without and left in another. Now that's how you do it.